CLI-FI is trending
Catch the crest of the wave. We offer specialized consulting on Cli-Fi scripts including a range of services covering reading, advising, and consulting to help you craft compelling Cli-Fi screenplays that captivate audiences and address pressing environmental issues. In addition, we proudly present vetted Cli-Fi scripts for sale that exemplify our direction and style.
Our Services
Cli-Fi Scripts
Your premier destination for specialized consulting on Cli-Fi scripts.
We offer a range of services, including reading, advising, and consulting,to help you craft compelling Cli-Fi narratives that captivate audiences
and address pressing environmental issues.
“Cli-Fi could be your thing, you could be the father of Cli-Fi [in film], can you imagine 20 years from now.”
Earman Baradi/Victor Ciuccio interview youtube 2022
Latest News
The committee says the industry is misleading the public by advertising a commitment to cleaner energy even as it disproportionately invests in fossil fuels. The committee has accused oil companies of continued deception, following previous revelations about oil companies working
Cli-Fi genre trending in Hollywood will create what opportunities for Cli-fi screenplays?
The Cli-Fi (Climate Fiction) genre has been gaining traction in recent years, both in literature and in the film industry. As Hollywood continues to explore environmental themes and the impact of climate change, there are several opportunities for Cli-Fi screenplays.
Hollywood Climate Change Entertainment
For decades, Hollywood has produced climate change entertainment that depicts only one potential future: catastrophe. Instead, it should play a positive role in the fight against global warming by offering a wealth of stories that help humanity make sense